
Note: This is not a picture of our sukiyaki, but is very similar in ingredients. I am linking back to the photo owner.
For our sukiyaki venture, I ended up getting almost the exact same ingredients as I did for shabu shabu. The biggest differences are the use of konnyaku noodles (instead of udon noodles) and the sukiyaki sauce (made with soy sauce, mirin, and sugar, instead of the ponzu and sesame sauces).
With everything cleaned and chopped up, we were able to sit in front of the tv and cook on the electric skillet. The general instructions say to put clusters of the ingredients into the skillet and pour some sukiyaki sauce over it and pull things out to eat as they finish cooking. A lot of pictures seem to indicate that you'd put the entire list of things in at once and simmer in the sauce + liquid from the cooking veggies. We opted to put in a very thin layer of food at a time and cook the meat one piece at a time. It was a nice, leisurely, relatively healthy meal, full of mostly vegetables and a relatively low amount of beef (around 3 oz each?), compared to how we usually eat.
We had this last night and tonight. And there is enough food left over for tomorrow night... if we dare. Heh.
I think this would make for a nice, easy Sunday dinner with a couple of friends.