Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oakland Korean-Chinese Food

I just learned of a new (to me) Korean-Chinese restaurant in Oakland! It's called Yuyu Za Zang, located at 3919 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA. The thing that excites me is this quote in the review summary:
Larry Yu, a Korean-born Chinese chef, opened this cheery yellow cafe on Telegraph to sell Chinese-Korean noodle dishes like his dad used to make – namely jam pong, a spicy noodle soup, and ja jang myun, black-bean sauce noodles beloved by children all over Korea.
Randomly, the full review had this interesting tidbit:
According to the Korea Herald, March 14 is now known as "White Day," when young men who received chocolate gifts from their girlfriends on Valentine's Day are supposed to reciprocate with white chocolate. And April 14 has become "Black Day," when bitter singles are supposed to dress in black, drink coffee straight up, and eat jjajangmyeon. Mark your calendars.
Heh, that's totally awesome.


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